All Rights Reserved. As the writer of the New Testament book of Hebrews explains: “…without faith it is impossible to please [God], for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.” (Hebrews 11:6, NKJV) And faith is understood not as certainty, but rather as the “substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” (Hebrews 11:1, KJV). To start with, a good summary definition of God is “the Supreme Being; the Creator and Ruler of all that is; the Self-existent One who is perfect in power, goodness, and wisdom.” Who is God? – The apparent contradictions between God’s alleged nature (all-powerful and all-good) and the real presence of chaos, tragedy, evil, and suffering in the universe. God is His own proof, and though we could not see God with our physical eyes, He is known to us, and He is apprehended by us when we come to Him in childlike humility and faith. This can either be accomplished by an external force acting on the object or by an outside force placing within the object the internal means to initiate motion. Well, the idea of God as a supreme being means that he is simply like us, writ large, and just bigger and better, the end product of the series; whereas this divine personality that we meet in the Bible was, for centuries, regarded simply as a symbol of a greater transcendence that lay beyond it. We should give more earnest heed to the things we have heard - since they were delivered personally from the Son of God … Throughout all future eternity God the Supreme will voice the reality of volitional experience in the trinity relationships of Deity. Shri Krishna, is therefore said to be the original cause of all causes. May 14, 2011 Rating: God is by: Tim Hello Jason, and thank you for your question. Gen 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.. L rod God Most high.....Gen. 2:4 . All branches of man's knowledge will become meaningful, if they are consecrated by your and my belief. The best way to regenerate society and draw closer to this Supreme Being was to study, uphold and honour these natural laws. If anything, arguments regarding the existence of God have only intensified. The Highest Good is where moral virtue and happiness coincide at their fullest. Yes, people may never read the Bible, to them it is either a closed book or used only for argumentative purposes, but they can't help but read your life and mine and if they are Godly that would be the most convincing argument for the fact of the presence of God. Since an object cannot move itself, something or someone had to initiate the motion. Are you worried about creed? Karen Armstrong. Are there reasons to believe in God, though, outside of faith? This is indeed my Father's world and He made everything for man to enjoy it lawfully.". He is the oversoul of the grand universe, the consciousness of the finite cosmos, the completion of finite reality, and the personification of Creator-creature experience. In the Supreme Being 's admonitions, insights and sheer gags as transcribed by David Javerbaum and presented by Sean Hayes under Joe Mantello's direction. You are right, and the Bible says that Jesus is not God (Supreme Being, in ar. No one could be so blind as to deny that there is a God at the control of the universe. Though not inconsistent with Christian doctrine, these beliefs were put to the service of Robespierre's fuller meaning, which was of a type of civic-minded, public virtue he attributed to the Greeks and Romans. They also say that they don't believe in Christ and in his merits and works, because Christ came to the earth two thousand years ago and they are unable to decide whether to believe or disbelieve. Average Rating . 1:2). GOD — THE SUPREME BEING. Billions of people believe in God. God is not not something theoretical ,abstract or remotes ,HE is the living God and so man is his living expression so we are to demonstrate the fact that we are his expression by living divine perfection . Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The twenty-first century shows no signs of bringing the debate over God’s existence to a close. He repeated the performance several times to surprise of everybody. God — the Supreme Being. Recent bestsellers including God is Not Great by Christopher Hitchens, The End of Faith by Sam Harris, and The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins have explored all the various reasons people put forward to not believe in God. Supreme Being definition is - god. by Very Rev. Bible Verses about Supreme God. We want to attempt to answer three definite questions, having to do with this disturbing subject. The presence of such design demands the existence of a Designer. First, what proof have we that there is a God? The first question we wish to deal with is, what proof have we that there is a God? Pride and a rebellious spirit, and arrogant self-esteem are shutting many otherwise fine people out of the Kingdom. The implication here is, you can't unless your purpose in searching the world of nature, the Bible, and whatever means available to you-unless you sincerely seek to make God the Lord of your life and fashion it by His blessed will, then your searching is in vain. Helen Keller, though blind, is considered today to be one of the foremost Christians in America, whose influence for good is tremendous. The Kai and Supreme Kai seem to be based on the deities who watch over the cardinal directions in Hindu scriptures (Guardians of the directions) and Buddhist faith (Four Heavenly Kings). Leave a Comment. One Sunday after the service was over the preacher asked the man was it anything that he said in his sermon which convinced him of the reality of God? Second, if there is a God, how may we acquire an intelligent, saving knowledge of Him? Miss Keller, with perfect poise answered, "Not half as terrible as to have eyes and not being able to see or believe in God.". Names of: God..... Gen. 1:1 . One of the great proofs of the presence of God is the beauty and unity of this universe in which we live. Moral Argument– Made famous by philosopher Immanuel Kant, this argument centers on the summum bonum (“Highest Good”). The men who have studied the various branches of science have been forced to admit that there is a Master Builder, a Beneficent Providence who established the laws of nature and which work in harmony and perfect order, subject to Divine Intelligence whose creative spirit was the first cause: "In the beginning God created the heaven and earth," is the first, yet the foremost statement in the Bible. God made everything -- men, beasts, plants, planets, stars, everything. This, of course, is challenging to the priest whose business is to help people to be understanding and sympathetic. Robespierre’s Supreme Being was not a one-for-one replacement for the Catholic God. First, what proof have we that there is a God? To put yourselves on an equal basis with the Eternal, insofar as knowledge in any field is concerned, is to shut yourselves out of His presence. Such a cause would, of necessity, have to be outside of nature. It is meekness and not pride, by lowliness of heart and not by high-mindedness, that we begin to have a saving, intelligent knowledge of God. People will never be impressed by our theological arguments, neither will they be convinced by the church to which we belong or the Creed to which we subscribe, but they can't help but believe when they see someone living a life of love and good will, one who seems to be in personal touch with a Power which influences for godliness. see God (disambiguation). Our second question is, "How may we acquire a saving, intelligent knowledge of God?" We want to attempt to answer three definite questions, having to do with this disturbing subject. Relativity of Concept Frames Intelligent Design: The Teleological Argument for God, The Baffling Mystery Of Loretto Chapel Staircase, Tesla and Marconi Friendship: Secrets and Mystery Hidden City, Mary Evelyn Ford – The Little Witch Girl Burned at The Stake, The Dorothy Marie Harvey Dollhouse Tombstone, The Town Where Time Stood Still, LaBelle, Florida, In Japan, Allowed To Grow Hybrids Of Humans And Animals, New Theory Suggests That We Travel To Parallel Universes When We Dream, Pyramids Discovered In Russia Twice As Old As Egyptian, Mummified Captain Found In Ghost Ship Drifting At Sea, Loveland Castle: One Of The Most Haunted Sites In Ohio. Cosmological Argument – For every effect, there is a cause. (Shrimad-Bhagavatam 3.11.42) FOUR KUMARAS. Who is God?-- God is the Supreme Being, infinitely perfect, Who made all things and keeps them in existence. Argument from Design – As with the cosmological argument, aspects of the design argument (also known as the teleological argument) were inspired by Plato and Aristotle. The Supreme Being. St. Paul aptly put it this way: "Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God." (god, nature, energy, whether or not it is a being outside of ourselves or even a personified intelligence). They were immortal, but driven by the same thoughts and emotions that drive everyday humans. That to me was the most incontrovertible reality of God.". 117:1.1 (1278.5)The Supreme is the beauty of physical harmony, the truth of intellectual meaning, and the goodness of spiritual value. He was the only man who did not argue with the blacksmith about attending church. Terms of use and privacy. Definition of supreme being in the dictionary. Traductions en contexte de "supreme god" en anglais-français avec Reverso Context : Shiva is considered as the supreme god and creator of the universe in Shaivism. "Learn of me," said the gentle Savior, "for I am meek and lowly of heart and ye shall find rest for your souls." Despite secular expectations to the contrary, belief in a supreme being is widespread. Everyone must take responsibility for their own future well being, and it is dangerous to give that responsibility to another. Christ is the Son of God through whom God spoke in the last days (Heb. No being is a Supreme Saviour, according to the Buddha, because whether God, human, animal or whatever, all are subject to the Law of Karma. Were He to take away His hand from what He created, everything would disappear into nothingness quicker than thought. Lv 6. Belief in the Bible is out of the question with them because it was written by men who were, according to the notion, ignorant and illiterate. Daily updated website dedicated to unexplained mysteries. The man answered, 'I could have brushed aside every argument you have advanced. Tag Archives: God is the supreme being “Greater the Teacher – Greater the God” February 27, 2013 by satishkumarbhairavabhotla “Greater the Teacher – Greater the God” One fine Sunday, being a Holiday, Father came out from his Pooja room (worshiping room) after offering pooja to God. In the same village there was only one church and its parson. There are generally four main guardians, sometimes eight, with two additional guardians who govern and protect space, for a total of ten gods (like the Kai and Supreme Kai). To disbelieve that is to discover yourselves out of harmony with the world of nature and of nature's God, out of harmony with the spiritual laws, leading a sordid, meaningless life, a misanthrope and a misfit. That means precisely what Jesus said it does, you must be unconditionally surrendered and earnestly and sincerely seek Him with all your heart. Humanity, it is observed, always strives for this higher plane of existence, and yet is never able to achieve it. It is based on the scientific and (frankly) common sense observation that the origin of the universe, expansion of the universe, origin of life, origin of consciousness, etc. The very fact that God is the Creator asserts His role as the Supreme Being—the One with all authority. God is the one and supreme being in a sense that’s he is the sole creator of all things in existence,in reality nothing has entity or being separated from God. My friends, would you have a satisfying knowledge of God? This isn’t to say that one comes to God through blind faith, but it does mean that a step of faith is, at some point, necessary. God, the Supreme Leader (Genesis 1:1) Written on April 6, 2017. "Life is the light of men," said the Apostle John. And who when he passed him always greeted him with a smile. The Supreme Being was a deistic Enlightenment entity, a wise and rational God who had created the world and set it in motion according to natural laws.
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