original resource explains the concepts, concerns, practice, and To learn about our use of cookies and how you can manage your cookie settings, please see our Cookie Policy. Citation search. Intellectual History on the Academic Oxford University Press website Intellectual History - Oxford University Press We use cookies to enhance your experience on our website. Journal metrics; All Journals Global Intellectual History List of Issues Search in: Advanced search. Their object of epistemic interest is social history, in which they wish to assess the significance of the causal efficacy of ideals and intellectual processes. IntroductionIn their writing, Samuel Moyn and Andrew Sartori along with other scholars cover almost all fields of social intellectual inquiry for Global Intellectual History (GIH) 1 , but one of the important fields, they are somewhat reluctant [un]consciously to bring into the contents of GIH, is the 'religious phenomenon' . the discipline. This piece introduces a special issue of Global Intellectual History, on the theme of Theology and Politics in the German Imagination, 1789–1848. This has been a difficulty in the coherence of the discipline. ), and Ibn Khaldun (Islamic North Africa, fourteenth century c.e. The contributors to Global Intellectual History explore Current issue About this journal. global intellectual history can indeed produce legitimate Register a free Taylor & Francis Online account today to boost your research and gain these benefits: Register to receive personalised research and resources by email, Introduction: Exploring methodological pluralism in intellectual and conceptual history, Rhetoric of academic applications: Perspectives from Quentin Skinner’s, In search of the unicorn? The Amsterdam-Utrecht Seminar Global Intellectual History is a platform for researchers from different faculties and departments at the University of Amsterdam and Utrecht University who are working in the field of intellectual history and related disciplines. He is certainly a most proper man, well born, cheif Tahowa or preist of this Island, consequently skilld in the mysteries of their religion; but what makes him more than any thing else desireable is his experience in the navigation of these people and knowledge of the Islands in these seas; he has told us the names of above 70, the most of which he has himself been at. You do not have access to this They discuss how intellectuals and ideas fit within current conceptions of global frames and processes of globalization and proto-globalization, … The following is a list of the most cited articles based on citations published in the last three years, according to CrossRef. Practitioners of intellectual ... there is an excellent journal for intellectual historians published under the title, The Savarkar is the classic example of the early-twentieth-century revolutionary Indian nationalist who went to London to study law only to become seen by the metropolitan police as outside the law. and proto-globalization, and they distinguish between ideas of the of global IPR history Figure 1 Three theoretical mechanisms for an institution-based view of global IPR history. J. G. A. MIH concerns itself primarily with apprehending the contextual origins and receptions of texts in order to recover their historical meanings. Global Intellectual History publishes on long-term ideological movements and significant turning points in the history of ideas between nations and cultures. Much is at stake in how those events are interpreted, especially how concepts... At the turn of the twentieth century, African and black writers were active participants in the international debates and controversies concerning modernity, its attributes, and its expressions.¹ Intellectuals such as W. E. B. DuBois, William Henry Ferris, and J. E. Casely Hayford were among the first generation of thinkers to seek a more inclusive understanding of universal narratives of the human past and experience. Various agencies of the United Nations and different international associations function on the assumption that certain ideals, legal concepts, principles, and values have both global appeal and legitimacy. We use cookies to improve your website experience. It does not include many of the world's 5000 journals … Where do ideas fit into historical accounts that take an Spanning all geographical areas and periods of history, topics include: social history; demographic history; psychohistory; political history This list of history journals presents representative academic journals pertaining to the field of history and historiography. emerging area of study. Teaching scholars of intellectual history to incorporate transnational perspectives into their work, while also recommending how to confront the challenges and controversies that may arise, this original resource explains the concepts, concerns, practice, and promise of "global intellectual history," featuring essays by leading scholars on various approaches that are taking shape across the discipline. 13 Global Intellectual History: Meanings and Methods, Columbia Studies in International and Global History. expansive, global view of human movements and events? 904. Martin Dusinberre is professor and chair for Global History at the Historisches Seminar, University of Zurich. Intellectual History in a Global Age Intellectual History in a Global Age Kelley, Donald R. 2005-09-19 00:00:00 The history of ideas is an interdisciplinary field that began as an offshoot of the history of philosophy and was transformed by notions of perspective and cultural context drawn from the tradition of historical studies. perspectives into their work, while also recommending how to In the scholarly writings on the global history of the last two hundred years, we see special attention given to universal and global values, such as the ideas of sovereignty, nationalism, national rights, international law, and human rights. Journal of World Business, 50: 284–293. A crucial guide, this 402 likes. Given the lack of disciplinary or geographical boundaries to the subject of intellectual history as traditionally practised, it is right to create a journal that encourages exactly these virtues on a global scale. The Journal of Contemporary History (JCH) is a quarterly peer-reviewed international journal publishing articles and book reviews on twentieth-century history (post-1930), covering a broad range of historical approaches including social, economic, political, diplomatic, intellectual and cultural. Intellectual history is an unusual discipline, eclectic in both method and subject matter and therefore resistant to any single, globalized definition. MIH concerns itself primarily with apprehending the contextual origins and receptions of texts in order to recover their historical meanings. Suddenly, Haiti’s revolution has become a touchstone of contemporary thought, where a growing number of historians and theorists alike have alighted to right the wrong of narrative exclusion and to show that “Western” history has depended on subaltern actors to develop some of its own most cherished notions.¹ The events in question in what was then called Saint-Domingue—thanks to which slavery was ended during the French Revolution in an uprising that terrified some and inspired others forever after—deserve attention after a long period of neglect. promise of "global intellectual history," featuring essays by This morn Tupia came on board, he had renewed his resolves of going with us to England, a circumstance which gives me much satisfaction. In 2013, Samuel Moyn and Andrew Sartori published the anthology Global Intellectual History. The Global History Podcast. The contributors to Global Intellectual History explore the different ways in which one can think about the production, dissemination, and circulation of "global" ideas and ask whether global intellectual history can indeed produce legitimate narratives. Interdisciplinarity in intellectual history, Digital humanities methods as a gateway to inter and transdisciplinarity, Interdisciplinary research, from modularity to integration: Humanities on the Horizon 2020 agenda, Conceptual history, the will to power, and a new politics of translation, Checks and ambivalences: On Pierre Rosanvallon’s conceptual history of the political, Big data, small concepts: histosophy as an approach to, Things are different elsewhere: An intellectual history of intellectual history in Sweden, Rethinking histories of atheism, unbelief, and nonreligion: An interdisciplinary perspective. An institution-based view of global IPR history Mike W Peng et al. confront the challenges and controversies that may arise, this This recognition of the globality of certain norms raises the question of the origins of these values, which takes us to the debate about Eurocentrism. In this chapter I use India’s most controversial anti-colonial nationalist—Vinayak Damodar Savarkar (1883–1966)—to consider the contours of a new global intellectual history. JSTOR®, the JSTOR logo, JPASS®, Artstor®, Reveal Digital™ and ITHAKA® are registered trademarks of ITHAKA. Fairly early on, during his days in college, Savarkar came to be associated with the wing of Indian nationalism that colonial officials termed the “extremists.” His companions during the five years he spent in London were a motley group of like-minded revolutionary Indian students, all... Exerting an almost shamanic aura, the adjective “global” routinely serves as a legitimating device for a vast array of contemporary practices and projects. current conceptions of global frames and processes of globalization Richard Whatmore) was established. Crossref The journal’s broad geographical and temporal scope—the history of Europe since the Renaissance—makes it unique: … narratives. Some historians want to understand how large intellectual ideas or trends cause the events that make history. ), Sima Qian (Han China, around 100 b.c.e. They discuss how intellectuals and ideas fit within By closing this message, you are consenting to our use of cookies. leading scholars on various approaches that are taking shape across Since 1963 , IDD has provided a forum for the dissemination of rigorously reviewed, actionable information that is relevant to emerging policies, innovative practices, and transformative concepts. global and those of the transnational, identifying what each In the disciplinary matrix of history, this is exemplified by the striking expansion of “global” history, while in political thought—my own main disciplinary home—it has led to an emerging discourse of “comparative political theory.”¹ Global intellectual history is a product of these interlacing trends. Anh-Susann Pham Thi, Vietnam in global context (1920–1968): looking through the lens of three historical figures, Global Intellectual History, 10.1080/23801883.2019.1616309, (1-24), (2019). Jones, G., & Khanna, T. (2006). ©2000-2021 ITHAKA. ... intellectual property protection. "The Idea of the Muslim World: A Global Intellectual History, written by Cemil Aydın" published on 24 Jan 2019 by Brill. They are... Two types of scholarly practice usually pass under the sign of intellectual history, although their cognitive purposes, methodological techniques, and intellectual direction are distinct. New content alerts RSS. ABOUT THE JOURNAL Frequency: 4 issues/year ISSN: 0022-2801 E-ISSN: 1537-5358 2019 JCR Impact Factor*: 0.647 Ranked #29 out of 100 in History. Subscribe. Scholars of the colonial have become deft at identifying the distance between these normative, imposed categories of social difference that so contrast with the more mobile social and intimate relations in which people lived.¹. collection sets conceptual coordinates for readers eager to map an He is the author of Hard Times in the Hometown: a History of Community Survival in Modern Japan (Hawai‘i, 2012), and is currently working on a book provisionally titled, ‘Silent Steamship: Japan and Global History’. On January 23, 2019, the legendary historian J. G. A. Pocock (b. What defines the scale and shape of this history’s globe, and is it dealing with one globe or several? contributes to intellectual history. Global intellectual history. The steppe peoples inhabited the great band of grasslands extending across Eurasia from the Ukraine to Manchuria. The Journal of Modern History is recognized as the leading journal worldwide for the study of all varieties of European history. on JSTOR. In the 21st century, the field of global intellectual history has received increased attention. dissemination, and circulation of "global" ideas and ask whether This chapter examines concepts and discourses about common humanity and cultural difference in the writings of Herodotus (Greek world, fifth century b.c.e. About Journal of the History of Ideas. Have we reached a potential “threshold moment” in the study of the... Samuel Moyn and Andrew Sartori have sufficient confidence in their way of doing global intellectual history to ask a known skeptic on the analytical usefulness of the concept of globalization to comment on their project.¹ I hope not to disappoint, in the sense of both underscoring the value of their effort to broaden the scope of intellectual history as commonly practiced and questioning the value added by the notion of “global.” Their introduction and the design of their collection focus on the most difficult question: What does it mean for historians interested in intellectual life to go global? Since its inception in 1940, the Journal of the History of Ideas has served as a medium for the publication of research in intellectual history that is of common interest to scholars and students in a wide range of fields. scholars of intellectual history to incorporate transnational The Global History Podcast is an educational show designed for students, teachers, and anyone interested in the global history of early modern encounters. Description: The Journal of Interdisciplinary History features substantive articles, research notes, review essays, and book reviews relating historical research and work in applied fields such as economics and demographics. https://www.jstor.org/stable/10.7312/moyn16048, (For EndNote, ProCite, Reference Manager, Zotero, Mendeley...), 1 Approaches to Global Intellectual History, 2 Common Humanity and Cultural Difference on the Sedentary–Nomadic Frontier: Herodotus, Sima Qian, and Ibn Khaldun, 3 Cosmopolitanism, Vernacularism, and Premodernity, 4 Joseph Banks’s Intermediaries: Rethinking Global Cultural Exchange, 5 Global Intellectual History and the History of Political Economy, 6 Conceptual Universalization in the Transnational Nineteenth Century, 7 Globalizing the Intellectual History of the Idea of the “Muslim World”, 9 “Casting the Badge of Inferiority Beneath Black Peoples’ Feet”: Archiving and Reading the African Past, Present, and Future in World History, 10 Putting Global Intellectual History in Its Place. Editorial board Modern Intellectual History publishes scholarship in intellectual and cultural history from 1650 onwards. 12 How Global Do We Want Our Intellectual History to Be? A spatial reorientation is well under way across the human sciences, reshaping various fields and spawning innovative research agendas. It includes scholarly journals listed by journal databases and professional associations such as: JSTOR, Project MUSE, the Organization of American Historians, the American Historical Association, Questia and Goedeken, or are published by national or regional historical societies, or by major scholarly publishers. Log in to your personal account or through your institution. Modern Intellectual History publishes scholarship in intellectual and cultural history from 1650 onwards. The history they study is the... JSTOR is part of ITHAKA, a not-for-profit organization helping the academic community use digital technologies to preserve the scholarly record and to advance research and teaching in sustainable ways. Global Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities GIDD is an international, multidisciplinary journal in the field of intellectual and developmental disability. For a second group of scholars, the objects of analysis are the intellectual systems or processes themselves. Anne E. McCants, Editor Robert I. Rotberg, Theodore K. Rabb (1937-2019), Founding Editors Reed Ueda, Co-Editor Emeritus. The nascent discipline of global intellectual history must confront a fundamental question: What makes the global? An institution-based view of global IPR history Mike W Peng et al 895 Journal of International Business Studies The Captn refuses to take him on... As Ann Stoler has observed, abstractions have been understood primarily as intrusions into the flux of the life-world: A convention in the study of colonial governance is to treat state bureaucracies as information-hungry machines, ambitiously taxonomic, bent on categorical claims about those social differences that mattered and those that did not. The Journal of Interdisciplinary History features substantive articles, research notes, review essays, and book reviews that combine the study of history, spanning all geographical areas and periods, with other scholarly disciplines.. 5 Howick Place | London | SW1P 1WG. Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD) is a peer reviewed multidisciplinary journal of policy, practices, and perspectives. The contributors to Global Intellectual History explore the different ways in which one can think about the production, dissemination, and circulation of "global" ideas and ask whether global intellectual history can indeed produce legitimate narratives. Citation search. Only Open Access Journals Only SciELO Journals Only WoS Journals It is committed to encouraging diversity in regional coverage, chronological range, and methodological approaches. Global Intellectual History publishes on long-term ideological movements and significant turning points in the history of ideas between nations and cultures. While Arnulf Becker Lorca’s sophisticated book Mestizo International Law is clearly rooted in this intellectual tradition, it explores a new and highly ambivalent historical dimension of the plurality of international law. Try logging in through your institution for access. Among the last decade’s most notable developments in the historians’ guild has been a turn toward “global history.” The roots of global history are older, in different tendencies in international history to strain beyond its usual diplomatic agents or in world history to make into approved topics the transnational flows of populations, diseases, and goods. They discuss how intellectuals and ideas fit within current conceptions of global frames and processes of globalization and proto-globalization, and they … book On May 10 2019, the Routledge and Francis & Taylor journal Global Intellectual History published the latest article by the historian of ideas Dag Herbjørnsrud: «Beyond decolonizing: global intellectual history and reconstruction of a comparative method.». Search in: This Journal Anywhere Advanced search The intensifying interactions today between local and translocal forms of culture and ways of political being, which have become truly global for the first time, have generated renewed scholarly interest in the idea of the “cosmopolitan.”¹ As many historians have recognized, the processes at work in contemporary globalization are not altogether unprecedented. International Scientific Journal & Country Ranking. Until it has resolved this problem of definition, global intellectual history is likely to remain a series of “big-frame” national histories—how intellectuals in one country grappled with ideas from elsewhere—or a collection of comparative studies that recapitulate national frames as they try to overcome them. ), focusing on their discussion of the interactions among the sedentary civilizations, to which they themselves belonged, and the nomadic peoples in the steppe and the desert.¹ This is not a random choice. Registered in England & Wales No. GIDD journal is an open access peer reviewed scientific journal focused towards publishing a complete and reliable source of information origin, prevention and treatment for intellectual disabilities. the different ways in which one can think about the production, In 2016, the Routledge journal Global Intellectual History (ed. Teaching Top; Journal Global Intellectual History Submit an article Journal homepage. All Rights Reserved. 3099067
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