BELLIN - Carte reduite des Isle Britanniques, 1758 - Thomas PHINN - A new and accurate map of Scotland ... in which are delineated the routes of the several armies in 1745 & 1746, 1760 - George-Louis LE ROUGE - L'Ecosse suivant les nouvelles observdtiont. ca. We hold the largest written and pictorial archive of Scottish railway history. 1 (cross sections), 1846 - Edinburgh & Bathgate Railway. For some early plans of railways, see also, estate maps for railways in rural areas, or town plans for railways in urban areas. & C. WALKER (Firm) - Ancient Britain II. 1735 - Matthaeus SEUTTER - Nova et accurata totius Regni Scotiae.. ca. UK maps. 1840 - J. 1835 - Prospectus of a company to be called the Edinburgh, Leith & Glasgow Railway Company. New Section. Around half of these are from our Stevenson Archive, and relate particularly to mineral railways in the early 19th century. 1869 - Charles JOPP - Plan showing the North British Railway System. Alba, Alban or Albin, Ghaeldoch, Caledonia, Scotia, 1828 - CARY, JOHN - A new map of Scotland, from the latest authorities, 1828 - John CARY - Cary's new sheet map of Scotland from the latest authorities. 1831 - Robert STEVENSON - Survey of two railway lines - Paisley Canal Aqueduct to Rutherglen, 1831 - Robert STEVENSON - Survey and sections of two railway lines - Paisley Canal Aqueduct to Rutherglen. JOHNSTON Limited - Johnston's railway map of Scotland. 1858 - J BRYDONE - Brydone's tourist map of Scotland. 1834 - BALDWIN & CRADOCK - Scotland, in three parts ... 1834 - J. PIGOT & CO. - Pigot & Co.'s new map of Scotland with the latest improvements. Ordnance Survey maps as well as Admiralty Charts are excellent for railways from the 1840s onwards. Old maps of Fife on Old Maps Online. [1659] - Joannis JANSSON - Extima Scotiae.. [1659] - Joannis JANSSON - Scotiae Provinciae intra flumen Taum.. [1659] - Joannis JANSSON - Scotiae Provintiae inter Taum fluvium.. [1659] - Joannis JANSSON - Tabula Leogi et Haraiae.. [1659] - Joannis JANSSON - Lorna, Knapdalia, Cantire, Jura.. [1662] - Joan BLAEU - Atlas of Scotland (, 1662 - SPEED, JOHN - The Kingdome of Scotland, 1662 - John SPEED - The Kingdome of Scotland. - Map of the South of Scotland shewing the Caledonian Railway and connecting lines 1861, 1861 - Roderick Impey MURCHISON - First sketch of a new geological map of Scotland, 1861 - James A. KNIPE - Geological map of Scotland, [1862] - Adam & Charles BLACK - Black's new large map of Scotland, 1862 - Roderick Impey MURCHISON - First sketch of a new geological map of Scotland. Sheet No. The map window will open in a new browser tab. Amended plan. 1740 - Johannes CO?VENS - Novissima Regni Scotiae septentrionalis et meridionalis tabula ... 1741 - Nicolas SANSON - L'Escosse dela le Tay : divisee en toutes ses provinces : tirees des cartes particulieres de Timot. & C. WALKER (Firm) - Scotland ... 1854 - Adam and Charles BLACK (Firm) - Scotland, ca. Johnston's touring and motoring map of Scotland showing the main roads, steamer routes, railways and all railway stations ... 1924 - John BARTHOLOMEW & Co. - Bartholomew's general map of Scotland, 1924 - JOHN BARTHOLOMEW and Son - Bartholomew's contoured road map of Scotland showing the main roads and railways, 1927 - J. 1794 - Robert WILKINSON - A new and accurate map of Scotland from the latest surveys, 1795 - Robert DIGHTON - Geography bewitched!, or, a droll caricature map of Scotland, 1795 - Pazzini CARLI - La Scozia Meridionale, 1795 - Pazzini CARLI - Parte settentrionale della Scozia, 1795 - John LODGE - A new map of Scotland, : with the roads, 1795 - Franz VON REILLY - Karte von Scotland nach Dorret, 1796 - BOWLES & CARVER. 1818 - Sections of the ground surveyed for the several lines of the Edinburgh Railway, 1818 - Robert STEVENSON - Reduced engraved plan showing proposed railway line from Edinburgh to the coalfields of Mid and East Lothian, 1818 - Robert STEVENSON - Section plan and sections of railway line from Newton Colliery to John's Mains through the Lands of Edmonston. - Sections of railway between Perth and Aberdeen through Strathmore, n.d. 19th century? 1934 - British Association for the advancement of science, Aberdeen meeting, 1934. (An instructive pastime.). The maps illustrate the history of Civil Engineering in Scotland and the history of Engineering drawing. 1755 - Isaak TIRION - Nieuwe Kaart van't Noorder Gedellte van Grootbritannie behelzende Het Koningryk Schotland. You'll find some of the world's most iconic railway journeys and train tours in Scotland - they're a spectacular way to travel. 1934 - W. & A.K. - A new and accurate map of Scotland, with the roads, [1800] - Margaret MONTGOMERY - A map of Scotland. 1746 - Thomas KITCHIN - A map of the King's roads, made by his Excellency General Wade in the Highlands of Scotland: from Sterling to Inverness with the adjacent counties &c. 1747-55 - William ROY - Military Survey of Scotland, 1748 - George BICKHAM - A map of the North part of Great Britain, called Scotland, 1748 - Gilles Robert DE VAUGONDY - Royaume d'Ecosse divise en provinces, 1748 - George-Louis LE ROUGE - Le Royaume d'Ecosse : Divise en ses parties Meridionale et Septentrionale, 1750 - James DORRET - A general map of Scotland and islands thereto belonging, 1751 - James DORRET - [North] A correct map of Scotland from new surveys.In two sheets (North and South) with W part S sheet missing.1751, 1751 - James DORRET - [South] A correct map of Scotland from new surveys.In two sheets (North and South) with W part S sheet missing.1751, 1751 - James DORRET - A correct map of Scotland from new surveys, 1751 - Gilles Robert DE VAUGONDY - Le Royaume d'Ecosse divisee en shires ou comtes, ca. ], 1882 - NORTH BRITISH RAILWAY - Map of the North British railway system. 1847 - J. Butler WILLIAMS - Part of Scotland shewing the geographical position of the Caledonian Railway and the lines connected with it.
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