and colossus organic steel is far far far more durable, lol not really because one poster said it was organic plastic, Bottom line Luke Cage is the only black superhero with super strength that I can recall. I am not saying Cage wins, but going by his recent showings I say it will be a better fight than everyone else thinks. 0. Follow 22316. if these two went head to head in battle?! 02-10-2015, 07:33 PM. 12 years ago. CBR rules? Add new page. Wiki Points. Subscribe; Email; Facebook; Twitter Why would Colossus and Luke Cage fight? Pete grabs Cage and whales on him until he breaks. As far as durability, Colossus is extremely durable, inside and out. His feats simply outclass Luke in every way. He is at least 4 times stronger physically, and several orders of magnitude more durable. The guy that reads comic books. The reason Luke's showings have been more impressive of late is because he is leading an Avengers team. 1 vs 4. report. Nowhere close to a stalemate. Marvel Database. Close. Cage also has a great degree of durability, but he's not nearly as invulnerable inside. Followers. Marvel Database. standard arena fight,who wins? Colossus will win. Colossus is a skilled fighter, but I would say Cage is the more skilled hand to hand combatant. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. both super strong and both solid hard skin..... all4carnage. Giving Colossus help from Luke Cage and Spider-man turns this into a stomp against the Thing. Sign In; Don't have an account? I love both these characters, but Colossus wins. Colossus is pretty solidly stronger than Cage. Yeah, I don't see how Cage has much chance here. Search. Luke Cage bc turning into a steel man is way too conspicuous. Luke Cage kills the Comicbook… Games Movies TV Video. Who will win in a fight between Luke Cage and Colossus? 8 posts Colossus vs Luke Cage and Savage Dragon. Share with: Link: Copy link. Luke Cage vs Colossus. Forum Posts. CBR. Follow 227432. KMC Forums > Comic Book Forums > Comic Book 'Versus' Forum > Luke Cage and Thing vs Colossus. It will take a few good hits, but I think Colossus will be able to put down Luke in a slug fest. Register; Start a Wiki. 02-10-2015, 05:56 PM. Follow 8571. Blade + Luke Cage + Ajax + Beast (Blade 1 + Blade 2 + Blade Trinity 1998-2004) (Luke Cage … Hubs. Colossus, far and away. Colossus wins, in his metal form he can fight for days, even his nostrils and eyes are bullet proof, he can live without food or water and his high showings he's almost invincible but Cage is a great fighter and will give him hell Cage drops after a long battle Colossus wins, cage skin is organic steel colossus whole body is organic steel. Wiki Points. Do I really have to start posting cage scans in here, There is one hundred reasons why Colossus should winand basically none why luke cage should win. Characters Battles Teams Super Powers Forum Feed Collections. Luke Cage vs Colossus 77 results; 1; 2; This topic is locked from further discussion. cdtm. Sort by. He shouldn't beat Colossus, but he should have beat those guys neither. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Power . This topic is locked from further discussion. "Luke Cage, all the way." Reviews: 0. Ben will never lay a hand on Spidery, though he could hurt him with handclaps. This video is unavailable. Colossus has been able to take hits from plenty of powerhouses in Marvel. Now, with his fighting skill, I would say that Cage will probably be able to block, parry, and maneuver away from some of Piotr's attacks, but Cage is far from the most skilled fighter in Marvel. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Colossus knuckled up with Juggernaut. luke cage is one bad mother.....shut ur mouth . Heroes. vs . Today, we’re going to talk about a battle between strong durable guys: Luke Cage vs. Colossus. Text-only Version: Click HERE to see this thread with all of the graphics, features, and links. 0. I'm gonna break this down. Hubs. Power Man can withstand 150 lbs of TNT at a distance of 50 feet - Colossus 450 lbs of TNT (triple Power Mans resistance to injury). He could handle Luke's punches. Share. Colossus vs the Thing is a relatively even fight, with Colossus maybe a bit quicker and Thing a better tactical fighter. And no, we aren’t talking about Superman! He's manhandled She-Hulk and tossed Blob though his mass is variable, so it is hard to quantify. Luke Cage vs Colossus. Comics and Animation: Colossus (X Men) vs Luke Cage. Watch Queue Queue But with only a strength level of 25 tons, he's going to be hard pressed to hurt Colossus. He wins. Much stronger, much more durable. Sign In; Don't have an account? Superhero battle match: Luke Cage versus Colossus. 02-10-2015, 08:09 PM . Now, in a straight fight, I would say that Cage could probably take some hits from Colossus, but with enough, blows, Colossus could bring him down. King Saturn. And I will say it again watch Cage's states improve in the next marvel handbook. Explore Wikis; Community Central; Start a Wiki; Marvel Database. in this corner hes big hes steel a russian lovable x man its COLOSSUS and in this corner hes had many costumes an avenger with his man iron fist its LUKE CAGE who wins Luke Cage kills the Comicbook… Games Movies TV Video. Sign Up for free (or Log In if you already have an account) to be able to post messages, change how messages are displayed, and view media in posts. Search. Luke Cage has seen quite the re-emergence in Marvel lore with the advent of the new Netflix series. (maybe), Definitely Colossus. He has some good fights with Juggs (though he is obviously weaker). This is really not even close. Who will win in a fight between Luke Cage and Colossus? Luke Cage vs Colossus 129 results; 1; 2; 3; This topic is locked from further discussion. asura, marvel, wattpride. They have fought similar opponents and faired the same. Reviews: 111. The strength and durability advantage Colossus has, not to mention the fact that Colossus is fairly skilled at H2H will give him a healthy majority, I say 8/10 or 9/10. Wikis. Colossus, far and away. Colossus is next. share. Sign In; Don't have an account? Comics and Graphic Novels Topic Archived; You're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest. 262,829 Pages. Not sure what's the deal with Cage. Moderators:Foxy Shazam, jaxthejester, Tavern Master Brewer, Foxy Shazam , jaxthejester, Tavern Master Brewer. Tier. The X-men’s colossus . I don't know how you can justify having a nickname powerman if you haven't defeated a noteworthy supervillian. 0. Register; Start a Wiki. As I said, Cage probably won't be able to hurt Colossus. And he looks better too. Sound off below! Archived. Who wins? Power Man (as I still refer to him) started out at 3 tons and has been bumped to 20-25 tons. Posted by 4 years ago. Colossus (Deadpool 1 & 2 2016-2018) VS 2. deactivated-5c6600594117e . How so Colossus is way more durable Better fighter IMo & colossus has 70 plus tons on luke strength wise . Doesn't have those troublesome meaty bits that are so easy to pulverize. Throw all the statistics you want. gamesrgreat 8 years ago #11. He's stronger and more durable than Luke. Hubs. Wikis. Colossus' skin is alot tougher than steel is. WHy he got bumped I will never understand, its not like he has undergone anymore treatments or is a mutant that could have mutated further. Power Man' can resist .44 caliber handgun fire at a distance of 4 ft, while Colossus can resist a shot from a 110 millimeter Howitzer shell (even his eyes can deflect a .45 caliber bullet). braz. 9027. Mainstream. Explore Wikis; Community Central; Start a Wiki; Marvel Database. Colossus is pretty solidly stronger than Cage. He's stronger than Power Man by about 75 tons, and you can do the math from there. 02-10-2015, 05:56 PM. Hubs. Originally posted by Gecko4lif The guy that reads comic books Hrm.. Well, Colossus has always … Look at the stuff Cage has been going lately. Colossus on the other hand started out at 70 tons as a teenager, and since becoming a man he is probably in the class 100 range. Spider-man can keep spamming webs into Ben's face, forcing him to fight blind. Location : New York shipping docks Morals off Earth 616. 02-10-2015, 08:09 PM . 0. Piotr is too strong. At best, the only way he could hang with Colossus is if he had Adamantium boxing gloves and a helmet. D-Jesus, Christ Bosh, King James 3:16 The Miami Heat 2012 Champs- … Cage will be curled up in the fetal position, crying for mommy. Colossus NO contest. Colossus has gone toe to toe with Juggernaut, Gladiator and Thor. So I say it's alot tougher than steel. Text-only Version: Click HERE to see this thread with all of the graphics, features, and links. the creator. Superhero battle match: Luke Cage versus Colossus. I don't care how unbreakable your skin is, nobody can stand up to that. Mickeys Tavern > Comics & Appreciation Threads > Mighty Omega Vs. Threads > Colossus vs Luke Cage and Savage Dragon. Comics; Events; Games; Movies; TV; Characters. This isn't a comic. He has beaten Doc Samson and Wonderman, he has hung in there with Hulk, Ares and She-Hulk as well and done fine. Register; Start a Wiki. Tweet. Cyke. Jonathan. 38. I doubt Cage would be able to hurt Colossus, let alone beat him. KMC Forums > Comic Book Forums > Comic Book 'Versus' Forum > colossus vs luke cage. While I have my criticisms of some of the dialogue in the series, the first and second seasons are both among the best of Marvel’s Netflix mythos. I call him Luke Cage and he got in increase in strength because he went through the same experiment/accident that gave him his powers in the first place a second time. So, he will be taking plenty of hits. He freakin' captured the Rhino. Watch Queue Queue. They have him at 20 or 25 tons but recently he beat Doc Samson and Wonder Man. Boards ; Comics and Graphic Novels; Who's the strongest: Thing, Colossus or Luke Cage? salmandini67. Cage wins with power up, just like Alpha says, im saying colossus, but im biased as i have never really liked cage. Sign In; Don't have an account? Created by Segaomega21. © 2021 GAMESPOT, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. standard arena fight,who wins? Text-only Version: Click HERE to see this thread with all of the graphics, features, and links. Who's the strongest: Thing, Colossus or Luke Cage? 0. Post Jul 01, 2018 #1 2018-07 … Colossus Vs Luke Cage. 0. This should be in the battle forum....anyway Colossus wud take this. I would even say Cage has faired better against some, for example Hulk. Jonathan. ya that would suk to get kicked in the balls by steel. Oh, and Colossus wins. Even if Power Man is at 25 tons Colossus is at least 4 times his strength and is, in my estimation quicker than Power Man. First of all he has been upgraded to 25 tons, and his current feats would put him higher than that. Colossus would steamroll him. Add new page. 0. 17 comments. Forum Posts. We at Podcast Unlimited like to give our characters a run for their money. Comics; Events; Games; Movies; TV; Characters. Explore Wikis; Community Central; Start a Wiki; Marvel Database. colossus vs luke cage. Followers. Throw in the fact that Colossus is faster, at least 4 times stronger, and better trained at fighting and you have a a55kicking. Luke Cage is a big factor too, I think. 02-10-2015, 07:33 PM. 263,091 Pages. If you read Wizard you would have seen the Marvel characters in a line up that shows their rankings. As well as more durable. Luke Cage is an exceptional street fighter and was a gifted athlete before receiving superhuman abilities. Speed. Heroes. Add new page. Sharpandpointies. Luke Cage has steele hard skin and Colossus well he has steel skin. Colossus(aka Wall) vs. Luke Cage. But whatever that is just me. 262,481 Pages. Luke Cage vs. Colossus. Feel free to correct me if I missed something, but Luke Cage’s abilities are unbreakable skin and strength. What I think. And this week, we got a top notch battle brawl with men of steel! But, it's never been made clear how strong he truely is. Because it has survived getting logan's claws to it without giving in. 0 wins (0%) Luke Cage Luke Cage: power stats. Cage has a strength level of 25 tons. Süper kahraman kapışmaları serimizde bugün 1000 dare devil vs 1000 luke cage vs 1000 elektra vs 1000 iron fist vs 1000 eşek kapışıyor. Power against power, Colossus outstrips him easily. Yeah, I don't see how Cage has much chance here. Colossus, no contest. Read Colossus vs Luke Cage from the story What if battles [REQUEST CLOSED] by Laura_Hollis (Laura) with 304 reads. Add new page. Search. This topic is locked from further discussion. ",), OMG cage has better fighting skill than colossus. Luke Cage and Thing vs Colossus. Who would win. Comics; Events; Games; Movies; TV; Characters. save. Marvel Database. hide. Wikis. Just imagine being kicked in the crotch by a man made out of organic steel. the Avenger’s Luke Cage. Luke Cage vs. Colossus. 1. Grinning Goku . Strength. 257,390 Pages. pr1983. That being said although I'm a huge fan of Cage I'd say colossus wins he's much stronger and bigger. © 2021 GAMESPOT, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. cdtm. Luke Cage kills the Comicbook… Games Movies TV Video. The Fake Macoy. Colossus has strength around 70-100 tons. Posted on December 22, 2016 by admin. 0. Colossus is stronger and more durable than Luke. He has also studied martial arts under Iron Fist's instruction, learning how to couple leverage with his strength in order to increase his combat effectiveness against opponents more powerful than he is. Luke Cage kills the Comicbook… Games Movies TV Video. Register; Start a Wiki. Posts: 6,754: Kree. Luke Cage's skin is supposed to be as tough as titanium maybe tougher. Explore Wikis; Community Central; Start a Wiki; Marvel Database. This thread is archived. Luke Cage vs Colossus. Powerman is just under Collossus,although they are very similar(in power "type") ,Collossus has the victory. He also has the best speed, imo, able to catch Spiderman and bullets. Colossus wins. SHDb; uStats; Intelligence. Pete grabs Cage and whales on him until he breaks. Marvel Database. My guess is we will see that he is even stronger when the next marvel handbook comes out. 96% Upvoted. Heroes. Wikis. Colossus. Comics; Events; Games; Movies; TV; Characters. Sign Up Login. Colossus pounds Luke. Search. Over at Marvel Comics, there are some pretty tough customers. Gecko4lif. 0. Combat. Pick a Power Set: Luke Cage vs Piotr Rasputin (Colossus) - Standard Powers only; User Info: gamesrgreat. Who wins and why? Durability. standard arena fight,who wins? CBR rules? As well as more durable. I would say this would be a good fight and close too a stalemate. salmandini67. Heroes. all4carnage. 0. Cyke. Sharpandpointies.
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