For hundreds of years, the Republic ruled, with its Senate and Supreme Chancellor as head of state. The Republic encountered the Honorable Union of Desevro & Tion during its explorations, and the two went to war wit… [23] The entity first appeared and was first identified as the "Galactic Republic" in the 1999 film Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace, also directed by Lucas. The Mighty Chewbacca in the Forest of Fear! Once the improvements have been completed, you may remove this notice and the page's listing. Wargaming web-store with low prices, speedy delivery and excellent customer service. The Battle of Geonosis was the first battle in the Clone Wars. They were loyal to the Supreme Chancellor, but also the Jedi who served as generals in the Grand Army of the Republic. The Ascendancy encountered a number of aliens before retreating to their borders.[20]. Coruscant was perceived as perpetuating the Core Worlds' reputation for extreme wealth and privilege. During the High Republic Era, Supreme Chancellor Lina Soh sought to unite the Outer Rim Territories with the Galactic Republic. "The Old Republic was the Republic of legend, greater than distance or time. The goals of the Sith could alter slightly or significantly as the leader changes, while the dragging process of electing new leaders would be gone. [9] Despite the arrest of Nute Gunray, multiple trials in the Supreme Court failed to remove him as leader of the Trade Federation to the dismay of the Naboo government.[8]. As a result, the Galactic Center represented the beating heart of the Republic that habitually drew wealth and power from the hinterlands, with most senators dismaying at the extension of services and protection to outlying worlds. Joost. [43] Starlight Beacon was constructed along with other way stations at considerable expense and effort in order to expand the Republic's domain to the unexplored "dark zones" of the Outer Rim Territories,[44] and the Jedi Order also became increasingly active in galactic affairs. [19] Multiple versions of the Republic existed throughout its extensive history; historians referred to this pre-modern period as the "Old Republic,"[14] although the government's official name was the Galactic Republic. Formed in the early days of the Clone Wars, COMPOR existed as a pro-Republic populist movement. Eventually, the Sith would return in full strength, invading the Old Republic. As a result of the perceived inability of the Judicial Forces in protecting outlying territories, who were often withheld in intervening after many far-flung worlds refused to provide the Core Worlds with profitable deals, the Outer Rim world of Eriadu—one of the most politically, culturally and economically developed worlds—formed the Outland Regions Security Force for the protection of the Seswenna sector. After centuries of conflict and decline, the last war between the ancient Sith Lords and Jedi Knights concluded with the dawn of the Republic Era. However, the Republic also gained new territory as a result of the war. [5], A deep-rooted hatred and distrust grew over the centuries between the galaxy's outer fringes and the cosmopolitan Core, with those in the hinterlands gradually coming to believe themselves the victims of social and economic injustices. Theed, the capital city of Naboo, was swiftly occupied by the Trade Federation Droid Army. Towards the end of the Separatist Crisis, the Galactic Senate passed the Military Creation Act, which led to the creation of the Grand Army of the Republic and the Republic Navy. Yet even as the Republic pressed on with the Outer Rim Sieges, determined to bring an end to the civil war, the Jedi High Council had grown increasingly wary of Chancellor Palpatine. [14] While many senators cheered and applauded the birth of the Empire, Amidala and Organa quietly lamented the Republic's end. RELATED: Star Wars: 10 Unanswered Questions We Still Have About The Sith. [4] On one occasion, the Republic deployed a Jedi-led force of clone troopers to Orto Plutonia at the behest of one of its members, the Pantoran Assembly. Whether this means that Coruscant was the original homeworld of humans or simply the most powerful world at the time is still up for debate, and there has been little said about the event other than that it occurred. During these wars, both sides would construct massive superweapons powered by large kyber crystals capable of mass destruction. Bringing his body to Felucia, where it was cremated by tribal inhabitants, Dooku managed to trick the Jedi Council into believing Sifo-Dyas had been killed by the Felucians,[50] all while erasing the existence of Kamino from the Jedi Archives. While the Republic has its limits on what it would do, the Sith have no such restriction and so to protect their control would do anything, keeping the Galaxy in check, preserving a lot of it (inadvertently or not), and giving it a stable leadership. Something fans have seen sorely lacking in the Republic. Junior Representative Jar Jar Binks assumed her responsibilities on Coruscant for the duration of Amidala's absence. Therefore, the Jedi were compelled to lead the clone army[8] with the aim of bringing a swift and decisive end to the conflict between the Republic and the Separatists. Despite their waning influence in the galaxy, the Jedi continued to lead the Republic's forces but sustained many casualties in the process. Following an early attempt to utilize the Jedi Order as a propaganda tool, COMPOR focused increasingly on the Grand Army of the Republic, portraying clone troopers as a symbol of unity that the citizeny was encouraged to support. The Sith though, used fear as a way of ruling, unlimited power as a constant goal, hatred, and anger as tools against any who opposed them. Therefore, familial attachment was surrendered in service to the Order. Executive power was vested in the Supreme Chancellor, although this office was largely powerless and hampered by bureaucratic procedure, particularly during the chancellery of Finis Valorum. [66] The Separatist Shadowfeed operation, an attempt by Count Dooku to spread information on Republic defeats, making it appear as though a Separatist victory was inevitable, fueled public anxiety and consequently accelerated the militarization of the Republic over the course of the war.[5]. The Grand Army of the Republic was composed of clone troopers. [111] Over time, Republic expansionism led to the annexation of new member worlds. [75] As officers of the government, Judicials had access to Consular-class space cruisers. The Loyalists agreed that the Republic needed the clone army, yet they felt that the Senate would fail to pass the Military Creation Act before the Separatists' attacked the Republic with their droid forces. In the aftermath of the Battle of Naboo, Gunray was taken into Republic custody and the newly-elected Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine arrived in Theed where he and the queen congratulated each other on their recent success. 19 BBY, into the Galactic Empire[12] However, the New Republic disavowed some aspects of the Old Republic, particularly the legacy of its final years under the chancellery of Sheev Palpatine. Starlight: Part One - Go Together, The High Republic: Light of the Jedi, The High Republic: A Test of Courage, Starlight: Go Together: Part Two, Star Wars Helmet Collection 17, Star Wars Helmet Collection 22, Queen's Peril, Star Wars Adventures: The Clone Wars – Battle Tales, Unlimited Power, Nexus of Power, Queen's Shadow, Catalyst: A Rogue One Novel, Shadow Fall, TIE Fighter Owners' Workshop Manual, Rise of the Separatists, Collapse of the Republic, Dooku: Jedi Lost, Thrawn Ascendancy: Chaos Rising, The Star Wars Book–class. There are two main playable factions-the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire in SWTOR. The Republic government had little oversight over the Outer Rim due to the region's distance from the Core, and as such the Outer Rim remained known for its lawless, sparsely populated, and primitive worlds. This page contains spoilers from Star Wars: The High Republic. ~« Galactic Republic »~. [5], At some point, the Jedi Temple was constructed over the Sith shrine in order to contain its dark energy. The confrontation ultimately saw the Republic dealing a severe blow to the Confederacy with the loss of a portion of its fleet as well as its head of state, Count Dooku, at the hands of Anakin Skywalker. How wealthy are they if we exclude taking on new bank loans? Unbeknownst to Sifo-Dyas, Darth Sidious had earlier contacted Prime Minister Lama Su, and convinced him to implant a behavioral modification biochip into the clones during the third stage of their development to turn against the Jedi at a mere command.[50]. The Republic capital's lower levels were ridden with crime and poverty. The warrior civilization began a series of unprovoked military campaigns against the Old Republic. [50] With no end to the war in sight, however, anti-war protests broke out on Coruscant where Republic citizens decried their leaders and the Jedi alike. Many worlds across the galaxy were represented in the Senate which was headquartered on Coruscant, capital of the Republic. The Galactic Republic. [14] This version of the Republic existed in a demilitarized state for most of its history;[8] as such, the government relied on the Jedi Knights, who upheld their mandate as the guardians of peace and justice. Senator Palpatine and Chancellor Valorum greeted Amidala upon her arrival to the capital. [9], The Republic possessed immense economic power,[93] having maintained peace—with the aid of the Jedi Knights—throughout the known galaxy for almost a millennium. [34] The story of Old Republic Regent Hylemane Lightbringer and his supposed immortality would be remembered in history texts along with Old Republic music such as the Sestina of Imperator Vex, which would continue to be sung even in the months following the Battle of Endor.[16]. [94] The government urged its people to buy war bonds, using propaganda to convince the citizenry that it was their patriotic duty to give financial support to the war effort. Good Republic, Evil Empire. Galactic Government. The Galactic Republic was corrupt. The Gungan Grand Army confronted the Trade Federation's battle droids while the Naboo Royal Space Fighter Corps launched an attack on the Saak'ak in orbit. Various Core planets served as capitals for galactic governments such as the Old Republic, the Empire, and the New Republic. While neither the Senate nor the Jedi had any knowledge of the clone army's development prior to the Clone Wars, the Republic became heavily invested in the field of genetics throughout its conflict with the Separatists. In Star Wars, there are two institutions that have ruled over the galaxy: the Republic and the Empire. In a story that involves a war between two different countries, groups, organizations, or factions, a common way of making the goodies better and the baddies worse is to give both sides certain stereotypical governments or administrative forms. While passion is a valuable asset, for a Galaxy, the goal should be peace. This unbridled "brand-building" initiative generated steady profits for vast enterprises like the Trade Federation. Both its size and power inspired the creation of more advanced weapons with the capacity to destroy planets, from the Imperial DS-2 Death Star II Mobile Battle Station to the First Order's Starkiller Base and the axial superlaser cannons of the Final Order's Xyston-class Star Destroyers.[35]. With Coruscant—birthplace of the human species[107]—as its capital,[14] the expansion of the Galactic Republic occurred along pioneering hyperspace routes. The Republic and the Jedi had their problems as groups, but they were not evil, particularly not the Jedi. The High Republic Era saw the Galactic Republic reach the pinnacle of its power, its influence spreading to even the farthest and less settled regions of the galaxy by 232 BBY[42] during the chancellery of Lina Soh. The Zygerrian Empire, which was built upon slavery, refused to comply, forcing both the Old Republic and the Jedi to intervene. A Judicial force carried Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn and Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi to the Saak'ak, a Trade Federation Lucrehulk-class LH-3210 cargo freighter to discuss a peaceful resolution to the conflict. The Republic allows for many ideas to be heard for compromise to come to aid the needs of a variety of people. Culturally, Coruscanti fashion, art, drama and literature saw receptive audiences across the galaxy. Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. Commerce guilds generated massive profits by investing in the Republic's expansionist policy. Head of government Senators from its constituent worlds determine policy and enact laws, ensuring that peace and prosperity reign throughout the galaxy. The Republic capitalized on this sentiment, using propaganda to illustrate droids as ruthless and dangerous tools of destruction. The Sith were evil and ultimately did not deserve to rule the Galaxy. With the Senate hamstrung by political infighting and a strict adherence to protocol, it failed to bring swift resolutions to either the Invasion of Naboo[9] or the Separatist Crisis. [84] A strong sense of trust developed between Jedi generals and clone commanders over the long campaigns of the Clone Wars. [48] The Republic citizenry grew to believe that the Jedi had abandoned their role as peacekeepers,[62] and staged massive protests outside of the Jedi Temple as a result. [5] Once it had established itself on Coruscant, the Jedi Order came to closely associate itself with the Old Republic, serving as guardians of the peace and justice for over a thousand generations. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. [57], The Republic Special Weapons Group was formed to oversee the development of military technology more advanced than conventional weapons of warfare. Corporations possessed considerable influence in galactic politics during the era of the Republic. Professional podrace circuits and other circuses diverted the people's attention from the growing corruption that permeated the Galactic Senate. [14] The Republic crest, the symbol of a united galaxy under the Force,[106] was emblazoned on military war machines and heraldry, featuring more prominently than before. Rather than reporting on Amedda's effort to showcase Republic diversity, HoloNet News outlets focused on the Vice Chancellor's self-inclusion as the sole Chagrian in an assembly of various aliens. After nearly three years of constant warfare, the war reached its climax during the Battle of Coruscant, where both factions engaged in a massive naval and ground battle over the Republic's capital world. [14] Coruscant in particular was emblematic of Republic society with its diverse mix of citizens and culture, making the Republic capital the "vibrant heart" of the galaxy. The Kaminoans used their skills to transform the science of cloning into big business, resulting in the mass production of clone troopers who numbered in the millions. There was so much backstabbing and so many shady deals going on within the Senate. Coruscant, an ecumenopolis referred to as Galactic City, was the capital world of the Republic, and therefore, the seat of the Senate. Supreme Chancellor[1] [35] They were also just as capable of engineering a clone for the purpose of pure genetic replication, giving it neither growth acceleration nor behavioral modification for greater docility.[8]. In the original trilogy, set later in time, it is referred to as the Old Republic. Surely the Jedi knew the Republic was a democracy in name only, and that it was hopelessly corrupt. Date restored Finally, with peace restored to the galaxy, the shattered Old Republic reorganized itself into the modern Galactic Republic,[14] which would usher in over one-thousand years of stability in an epoch known as the Great Peace. Attempts at biological weapons were launched by Separatist scientist Nuvo Vindi, who attempted to re-create the ancient Blue Shadow Virus capable of killing millions across the galaxy,[56] while the Republic developed the experimental electro-proton bomb, which could send out an electric pulse upon detonation capable of deactivating an entire droid army.[53]. With the renowned Galactic Senate being renamed the Imperial Senate and the Senate Plaza renamed Imperial Plaza and a giant statue of the Emperor erected in it, one could almost forget the Republic even existed. [5][9] Protecting the new democracy was the elite Senate Guard, who could be seen patrolling the Senate District and came to be seen as symbols of strength and unity, especially considering the fact that the military had been disbanded. The Star Destroyer, the most visible representative of modern military capital ships, originated with the development of the Republic Navy's Venator-class Star Destroyer. The pre-modern Galactic Republic was referred to as the "Old Republic. Republic Day[10] With Sifo-Dyas originally heading to the planet in order to negotiate a dispute that could have resulted in a full-scale gang war on Coruscant, Sifo-Dyas was suddenly re-assigned to Felucia when his shuttle was abruptly shot down over the planet. During the Republic's reign, starships were designed to be aesthetically pleasing in order to meet the customers' demand for "style and elegance" in their vessels. The peaceful age of the Republic allowed the people of the galaxy to pursue leisure activities, some of which achieved galactic-level attention. With the civilization of the Sith and the warrior culture of Mandalore, and with their beliefs of continual warfare without regard to the Jedi mandate of protecting the weak, the Jedi Order continued to mobilize its forces in an effort to stop enemy incursion into Old Republic space. [86], The Republic Navy fielded various ships over the course of the war. Nevertheless, it is clear, specifically throughout The Clone Wars, that the Republic and its members - such as Padmé, the clones, the Jedi, other senators - cares for people and will help those who need it. [23] Little did the Jedi know, the Sith had regrouped on the planet Moraband.
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