However, Tyrion's path there in A Song of Ice and Fire will be much darker because he himself grows into a much darker character. in Film Studies in 2009. Using informed speculation and knowledge of the Game of Thrones universe, we suggest the many ways the HBO series might end The Others don’t appear to have any sort of leader, and if they do, they have yet to be introduced. Since the greatest threat to humanity is the Others, there is little doubt that Bran’s vast knowledge will be key to their defeat in A Song of Ice and Fire. These colossal beasts, many times larger than the dragons of Valyria, are said to be made of living ice, with eyes of pale blue crystal and vast translucent wings through which the moon and stars can be glimpsed as they wheel across the sky. Arya sailing west across the Sunset Sea also seems very likely given her intrepid spirit. And Euron is on his way to old town, which Sam is in at the Tower of the Citadel…, Think about that lol. My guess is Euron and Sam are gonna blow their horns together and bring the wall down, as well as affect à nearby kraken or something.”. Warning: This article is dark and full of Game of Thrones season 8 spoilers. In one scenario, Jon Snow takes the Iron Throne. Sansa becoming Queen in the North is likely, though she may in fact rise to rule both the North and the Vale. These are only a few examples of how vastly different Game of Thrones and A Song Ice and Fire are when it comes down to the details, but it’s these details that, in time, will grow and shape the story. Game of Thrones could only end in three possible ways. As the Three-Eyed Raven, there's the potential for him to do just that, defeating a great evil and being rewarded with the greatest prize in the kingdom - ruling it. Still, with how much mystery still surrounds the Others, it’s hard to say if what Game of Thrones has done with their White Walkers is at all accurate to the novels. More from the cast and creators of "Game of Thrones" George R.R. Instead, it was Joffrey (at least, according to the script notes GRRM wrote for D&D.). In the novels, however, it seems far more likely that Jaime will have a more proactive role in his sister's death. Already, just these differences alone mean that the battle against the Others will not happen in the same way as it did against the White Walkers in season 8, “The Long Night.”. There are also elements missing from the show, like both Arya and Jon demonstrating the ability to warg, while others have been added, like Grey Worm and Missandei’s relationship. Click the button below to start this article in quick view. George R.R. On Game of Thrones, Tyrion argues that Bran should be king because of his great story, but really, the argument should be that Bran is able to learn lessons from the world’s memory. Fans are wondering if the books ended the same way as the series. The answer is we don’t know, since the books aren’t completed yet, but we can find some clues that give us some pretty good hints. Remove a character like Strong Belwas, a hulking pit-fighter who accompanies Barristan Selmy, and the story loses a bit of flavor. He also had many minor characters mentioned in his script that were left out of the show entirely. Both are the nearest A Song of Ice and Fire has to fundamentally good characters and their positions on the Small Council are very deserving. LOS ANGELES (AP) — Devoted "Game of Thrones" fans who've watched and re-watched all 68 episodes of the HBO series, and read and reread all 4,000 pages of the books … The Others’ attack on The Wall is going to have to be different as well. Will George R.R. Like a character from Arthurian legends, Bran wished to become a knight and go on adventures protecting the realm. The plot of the final series was kept almost completely under wraps, meaning only a select few people knew the … Direwolves will play a much bigger focus in the books, and warging (which more Starks can do than just Bran) will likely have a far more significant role. Archmaester Margate has suggested that many legends of the north — freezing mists, ice ships, Cannibal Bay, and the like — can be explained as distorted reports of ice-dragon activity. George R.R. Sarah is also the Editor-in-Chief of, a website devoted to reviewing, ranting, and raving about comic books and all they inspire. And where on Game of Thrones, it’s Daenerys who Varys is secretly supporting, in the books it’s this Aegon, or Young Griff as he’s called before his “true” identity is revealed. Many, many moments … If Bran has a more substantial role in defeating the Others, then him being crowned king is an even more deserved. Not that the Others will necessarily need a dragon to destroy The Wall. Dany’s quest to “break the wheel” was successful only in that it replaced Westeros’ hereditary monarchy with... an oligarchy in … RELATED: Game Of Thrones' Finale Was Good (& The Only Way To End The Show). It's a similarly impressive rise for an upstart sellsword, but it's not nearly as impressive as the life Bronn secures for himself on Game of Thrones. On the show, it all boils down to personal vendettas between the Sand Snakes and Cersei, but in the books, the Dornish plot involves alliances with not one but two Targaryen invaders. But fans can look forward to more adventures with their favorite characters because there are two more novels yet to come in A Song of Ice and Fire. The books left off where Season 4 of Game of Thrones ended. In the books, Sam and Euron have a horn that might come into play. 2. All this points to some significant differences between the books and Season 8. So, I was, like, five books ahead. RELATED: What To Expect From The Game of Thrones Prequel TV Show. She primarily writes reviews and features in addition to covering the ongoing development of current movies and television shows. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire? As previously mentioned, there is another Targaryen invading Westeros who hopes to reclaim the Iron Throne - Aegon Targaryen, the supposed son of Rhaegar and Elia Martell. Of all the queer and fabulous denizens of the Shivering Sea, however, the greatest are the ice dragons. And Euron is on his way to old town, which Sam is in at the Tower of the Citadel… Think about that lol. Martin still has two more books to come in his A Song of Ice and Fire series - The Winds of Winter and A Dream of Spring. There have been several delays for Martin during the book's writing. With respect to how Game of Thrones arrives at its final season, there’s quite a lot which simply won’t happen the same way in the books as it has on television. It’s widely believed that Aegon was killed during the Sack of King’s Landing, but others claim the infant was smuggled out of the city and raised in Essos. Posted on Monday, April 15th, 2019 by Ben Pearson As ice dragons supposedly melt when slain, no actual proof of their existence has ever been found. Finally, the fates of Cersei and Jaime are two which have been endlessly debated since they died together under the rubble of the Red Keep. Author George R.R. There’s also no indication that the Others were created by the Children of the Forest, so unlike Game of Thrones’ White Walkers, their origins remain a complete mystery. Game of Thrones is one of the most well-received TV shows of all time (with perhaps the exception of the final season).Fans adore Game of Thrones for several reasons. Reader u/Kristsun wrote on Reddit: “In the books, Sam and Euron have a horn that might come into play. The 'Tyrion and Sansa' ending. Martin finish the book series in time? Predicting exactly when to expect these novels is a foolhardy endeavor given that Martin has repeatedly missed deadlines in the past, but he recently hinting at The Winds of Winter possibly arriving in 2020. In … This is why it makes sense for Bran to become king - being the Three-Eyed Raven makes him wise, while being “broken” makes him fair-minded, and together, it allows Bran to become a just king. [This story contains spoilers for the series finale of HBO's Game of Thrones.]. Martin published A Game of Thrones, the first in a planned seven-part series called A Song of Ice and Fire, in 1996. The Game of Thrones series's storyline closely follows the story of George R.R. The first book in the series, "A Game of Thrones," hit bookshelves in 1996. In a way, their deaths on Game of Thrones appear to fulfill that prophecy, with Jaime, her younger brother, being who technically leads Cersei to her death. RELATED: Game of Thrones: The White Walkers Defeat Can't Be The Same In The Books. How does Game of Thrones end according to the book? Warning: SPOILERS ahead for both Game of Thrones & A Song of Ice and Fire. The fifth and most recently published book, "A Dance with Dragons," debuted in July 2011. Will it … Jon has been stabbed at the Wall and left for dead; it’s implied when he whispered Ghost’s name that he may have skinchanged into him right before he died. How will it end? Additionally, some plot points are lifted from one character and given to another, like that of Jorah contracting greyscale, while other characters are combined, as is the case with having Coldhands be an undead Benjen Stark. Game of Thrones is rapidly catching up to the books that spawned it, and recently Game of Thrones producer David Benioff admitted the show will eventually spoil the ending of the books. The 998th Lord Commander of the Night's Watch sustained a … After all, in the novels, Bran is the very first point-of-view chapter (minus the prologue), beginning the story as being told from his perspective. Weiss years ago about how he planned the book series to end, giving them the “major beats” that would happen. Instead, it’s more likely that A Song of Ice and Fire will see Euron Greyjoy - who himself is a wildly different character in the books, steeped in mysticism and dark magic - steal a dragon by using Dragonbinder, an ancient Valyrian horn said to be capable of controlling dragons. George R.R. The final season of Game of Thrones has been the source of much debate, with some disgruntled fans going so far as to demand it be remade. In an interview with Anderson Cooper, Martin said he told them the overarching plot and ending when the show was approaching the books. Game of Thrones takes many liberties when it comes to adapting the threat of the White Walkers, or Others as they’re known in A Song of Ice and Fire. Alternately, the throne could go to Sansa, which I personally think would be better, because she’s smart and less whiny than Jon. As already mentioned, there are also many characters from Martin’s novels that are not in Game of Thrones - Quentyn Martell, Victarion Greyjoy, Willas Tyrell, Patchface the fool, Edric Storm, Penny the dwarf, just to name a few. "Game of Thrones" season 8 spoilers include details on how "GOT" ends. READ NEXT: ‘Game of Thrones’ Prequel Trailers on YouTube Are Fake or Fan-Made. Nikolaj Costa-Waldau claims the finale to George RR Martin's tale is there "but you wouldn't know" Martin refers to it as a “butterfly effect”, noting that the changes or omissions made by the television series may at first seem minor, but they could have a major impact on the story later on. Once peace is won in Westeros and her family's future safe and secure, it'd make sense for Arya to seek out new adventures elsewhere. My guess is Euron and Sam are gonna blow their horns together and bring the wall down, as well as affect à nearby kraken or something.”, Knowing grrm gave d&d some major story beats I’m assuming the horn of winter will be used to bring down the wall and eurons horn, dragonbinder will be used to either kill or enslave a dragon. Sailors from half a hundred nations have glimpsed these great beasts over the centuries, so mayhaps there is some truth behind the tales. So far we have no idea exactly how the books are going to end. Jon Snow (Kit Harington) cheated death once. Rounding out King Bran's Small Council is Sam as Grand Maester and Davos as Master of Ships and there's no reason to believe this isn't where the characters end up in the books. They also surmise that it will be Euron who gains control of Viserion, not the Night King, because of the dragonbinder horn. Whereas common dragons (if any dragon can truly be said to be common) breathe flame, ice dragons supposedly breathe cold, a chill so terrible that it can freeze a man solid in half a heartbeat. On this page, there is a list of differences such as additional scenes, character appearances, and chronological changes that can be found in the TV series Game of Thrones. As for Daenerys using Drogon to burn King’s Landing, while this is likely to happen in Martin’s novels, it will almost certainly happen because of different circumstances. However, we do have clues. GRRM orginally wanted 10 to 12 seasons for Game of Thrones rather than eight, but David Benioff and D.B. Many of the characters on Game of Thrones receive endings which fit both their arcs on the TV show and the novels, though others may be better earned in the novels than they are by the show. The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. First off, it seems highly unlikely that the Others will take control of one of Daenerys’ dragons. Having just defeated one rival, it’s easy to see how discovering another might make Daenerys all the more paranoid, sending her quickly descending into tyranny just to keep a hold of the throne she fought so hard to win. Tyrion then becomes a crueler character while off in Essos, carrying immense guilt. So as you can see, things will be very different. Deleting or changing certain elements creates a ripple effect in the story that extends all the way to its resolution. Martin has said that he talked to David Benioff and D.B. Assuming Daenerys deals with Aegon first, then the destruction of King’s Landing may come before the battle against the Others. Some even believe a great ice dragon is enclosed within The Wall. It was adapted by HBO for broadcast … In addition, that scene with Littlefinger, Bran, and Sansa won’t happen because Littlefinger wasn’t the one who tried to kill Bran in the books. He had just found a rumored dragonbinder horn, for example. Obviously, I wished I finished these books sooner so the show hadn’t gotten ahead of me. This transition, though, is sure to happen more smoothly thanks to readers being aware of Daenerys’ inner thoughts. When she’s not trying to transform her rambling thoughts into written words, Sarah can be found playing SMITE, catching up on her pull list, or escaping through travel documentaries on Netflix. These are characters who, while minor, have outlasted their TV-counterparts, and though it’s possible and even likely they will still die in the books, their continued presence in the narrative affects the story even if it doesn’t change its eventual outcome. Not only will A Song of Ice and Fire give book readers the ending they've been longing for, but it'll provide more insight on the ending seen on HBO's Game of Thrones. With Game of Thrones now over and its characters all delivered to their endpoints, that similarity seems very clear. As you can see, the fable is quite different from undead Viserion. RELATED: Game of Thrones' Biggest Change To Westeros (Wasn’t That Big A Change). How Is the Game of Thrones Books’ Ending Different from the GoT TV Finale? 1. Shortly thereafter, though, Bran is thrown from the tower window and the trajectory of his entire arc is thrown in to question, as well. Otherwise, most of the major characters do wind up in positions that feel wholly appropriate. Sadly, this direwolf focus did not end up happening. HBO, however, appears more than satisfied with the conclusion seeing as the season 8 finale became the most-watched broadcast of any HBO series. I’m unsure if in the books the white walkers will get one the dragons but dragon binder is definitely what killing rhaegal in the show is related do, they just couldn’t do it cause they didn’t introduce his character the same way, or give him dragonbinder.”, ‘Game of Thrones’ Prequel Trailers on YouTube Are Fake or Fan-Made. The book has yet to receive a release date. In exactly what form his redemption will come in the novels isn't really clear, but having fallen so far, this sort of ending would be even all the more cathartic. For example, he had more plans for the direwolves, including noting in his script: “A season or two down the line Ramsay’s pack of wolfhounds are going to be sent against the Stark direwolves, so we should build up the dogs as much as possible in this and subsequent episodes.”. Vanity Fair explored GRRM’s last script in-depth, noting numerous cuts that were made. Game of Thrones author George RR Martin said the ending he has planned for the books won't be "that different" from the HBO series. Through his time with the Three-Eyed Crow (as he’s called in the books), Bran has his eyes opened to many truths of the world which most men choose to ignore. Weiss got to make the final decision. And while she may still indiscriminately burn the city in her anger, if Drogon ignites the wildfire caches hidden around the city (of which there are many more in the books), the massive destruction in King’s Landing may wind up being more accidental than homicidal. Martin Talks ‘Game of Thrones’ Ending, Says His Book Conclusion Won’t Be That Different from the Show’s. There are legends which speak of ice dragons existing far north, possibly in the Lands of Always Winter where the Others hail from. In the end, it will likely still fall to Jon to end her reign before it can even really begin. Already, HBO has multiple spinoff series in development, with one, The Long Night, filming a pilot later this year. Ser Barristan Selmy, for instance, is still alive and oversees Meereen in Daenerys’ absence, not Tyrion, while Melisandre doesn’t burn Mance Rayder, and instead, he's sent to infiltrate the Bolton-controlled Winterfell. Most notably is that involving Dorne. In fact, her ancestor, Duncan the Tall was a Lord Commander under Aegon V, so such honorable service runs in her family. HBO’s Game of Thrones has finally come to an end, rounding off with one of the most divisive TV seasons of all time. With Game of Thrones set to begin its sixth season in April, the show will, for the first time, be completely without its source material. Martin By AJ Caulfield / April 15, 2019 11:22 am EST Contains spoilers for Game of Thrones … Jon being banished to the Night's Watch is a perfectly apt ending for his character on Game of Thrones, but in A Song of Ice and Fire, there may be no more Wall at all if the Horn of Winter is indeed used to bring it all down. Sarah Moran has been a Screen Rant contributor since 2014. An ending this poetic and tragic is just too heart-wrenching for Martin to pass up. Game of Thrones season 8 is the conclusion for the television show, but the books on which the HBO series is based, A Song of Ice and Fire, are still unfinished. We find ourselves enraptured by the stunning visuals of the series as well as moved by the captivating storylines that frequently leave us clasping our hands over our mouths in utter shock. Instead, some believe the Wall will fall because of the mysterious horn of winter. Perhaps, one of the biggest surprises on Game of Thrones season 8 is that it ends with Bran as king. Though an amusing notion, and not without a certain elegance, this remains the purest conjecture. Of course, becoming king can't be the only reason Bran is now the Three-Eyed Raven. Down in King's Landing, Tyrion becomes Bran's Hand in another near-perfect end for the character (he is Martin's favorite, after all). And dragonglass, while lethal to the Others, has no effect on their wights (the dead men they raise for their armies). Game of Thrones has always struggled with portraying Bran’s visions on screen, but in the books, readers are there inside Bran’s mind as he begins unraveling the different mysteries of the world. Similarly, Brienne becoming Lord Commander of the Kingsguard makes a certain amount of sense, especially if she is indeed knighted as she is on Game of Thrones. One of the more controversial parts of Game of Thrones season 8 is the downfall of Daenerys Targaryen. Some are even hoping this tragic turn for Daenerys doesn’t happen in the books, but sadly, there’s even more evidence of Daenerys breaking bad in A Song of Ice and Fire. I mean, obviously, we’re talking here about a– several days of story conferences taking place in my home in Santa Fe, New Mexico. How does Game of Thrones end? Some readers believe the Others (as the White Walkers are called in the books) will have an Ice Dragon rather than taking one of Daenerys’ dragons and making it undead. Martin: I published a fifth book in 2011, when the series was just going on the air. Still, for the most part, the endpoints for the various characters are almost certainly where Martin intends for them to end, with one exception - Bronn. And though the exact ending of A Song of Ice and Fire is unknown, the very fact that so many of the details are different from Game of Thrones means that the ending in the books must reflect this. Game of Thrones season 8 is the conclusion of the TV show, but how different will the ending be in George R.R. For instance, there are characters who have died on the show but still live in the books. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. "[The TV series has] been an incredible ride," Martin said to Entertainment Weekly. GRRM also planned a different person would be revealed as trying to assassinate Bran, not Littlefinger, and it was going to be revealed in Season 4. Martin remains adamant that he will finish the books, but now that Game of Thrones has already wrapped up, we're left to wonder how similar the two will be. These kinds of choices may have made sense for the series as an adaptation, but they do change Game of Thrones in ways that create some notable differences from the story Martin is telling in A Song of Ice and Fire. By the time Daenerys does arrive in Westeros, it’s quite possible that Aegon will have already taken King’s Landing. I never anticipated that." Based on this premise, here's a bunch of book-clues that reveal how Game of Thrones could end. The ends, to date (as the books are not yet finished: 1. For starters, there is no Night King like there is on the show. Copyright © 2021 Heavy, Inc. All rights reserved. In 2013, the Game of Thrones showrunners sat down with George R.R. RELATED: Game Of Thrones: Dany Was Always The Mad Queen (Here's The Proof). Here are the clues that George R.R. For example, the tragedy of his first wife, Tysha, is further explored in the novels and is actually the impetus for him murdering his father. There have already been so many differences between the Game Of Thrones show and the books, it would be virtually impossible for both iterations to end up in the same place anymore. But remove a character like Arianne Martell - a leading force in the Dorne plot who at first defies her father by hatching a plot to crown Myrcella queen, then is later let in on his schemes - and the story fundamentally changes. Exactly how is still unclear, as stated above, but as one of the story’s most supernatural characters, Bran is sure to be important in defeating the story’s most supernatural threat. In a way, the end of Game of Thrones maintained the status quo. On Game of Thrones, Bronn rises from being a sellsword to Lord of Highgarden with a seat on the Small Council. A viral reddit post made the point that the events enacted in "The Bells" came from the notes that writer George R. R. Martin gave to 'Game of Thrones' showrunners David … Will HBO try to pad it out? In most cases, these cuts work fine for the adaptation, but others have and will create large disparities between what happens on the television series and what happens in A Song of Ice and Fire. RELATED: Game of Thrones: 13 Unanswered Questions After The Series Finale. But, upon closer examination, ending with Bran as king makes a good amount of sense, and it's very likely how things will end in A Song of Ice as Fire as well. These visions are vividly described in Martin’s text, and it’s easy to see how some encounter between Bran and the Others could take place on this astral plane. Or basically, it’s given to him after someone tougher (Arya, probably) defeats Daenerys. Her most recent assignments for Screen Rant include (but are not limited to): The Flash, Star Wars Rebels, The Walking Dead, and Game of Thrones. There are entire plots from A Song of Ice and Fire which have been excised completely or condensed in order to streamline the narrative for Game of Thrones. For example, Euron was very different in the books. It’s a transformation that most viewers felt happened too quickly and without enough buildup to feel properly earned. And instead of traveling north of The Wall, he may instead settle in the Gift - a stretch of land originally gifted to the Night's Watch which Jon allowed the free folk to begin settling after they came south of The Wall. He was far more mysterious and charismatic. HBO’s Game of Thrones, the adaptation of Martin’s unfinished book series, A Song of Ice and Fire, has concluded, going out not with a bang, but with a rushed, corner-cutting whimper. Game of Thrones is back, and gone are the simple days of “one season, one book.”. They believe that Euron may actually be a proxy Night King of sorts, having taken control of the White Walkers through magic for his own purposes. Author George R.R. The ending to Game of Thrones is already on the internet, according to one star. "And almost all of it has been great. As an adaptation, Game of Thrones was always expected to end similarly to A Song of Ice and Fire, though the path to that ending would be different. It's been nearly a decade. This post will have spoilers for Season 8 and the books. Either way, the city will burn and Daenerys will be queen of its ashes. In fact, it seems quite plausible that Game of Thrones pulls elements from book-Euron in order to create their Night King character. Sarah is a graduate of THE Ohio State University where she earned her B.A. Aegon later arrives in Westeros with the Golden Company well before Daenerys even leaves Meereen, invading the Reach and soon taking Storm’s End. If that’s the case, then that may be why she attacks the city, proving herself to be the only true dragon in the process. Innumerable deaths. Weiss years ago about how he planned the book series to end, giving them the “major beats” that would happen. It’s not hard to imagine he might play a role in some of the “major beats,” unlike the show. Game of Thrones made several, notable changes in their adaptation, and it stands to reason that these changes mean the two endings cannot be exactly the same. I’m unsure if in the books the white walkers will get one the dragons but dragon binder is definitely what killing rhaegal in the show is related do, they just couldn’t do it cause they didn’t introduce his character the same way, or give him dragonbinder.”.
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