Мухафаза Ба́сра (араб. Té una superfície de 19.070 km², i una població estimada d'uns 3.500.000 habitants (2011). The ridges are extremely saline, with salt deposits up to 20 centimeters thick, and are completely barren. Cambridge University Press, 2005, Hawting, Gerald R. The First Dynasty of Islam. Enter ZIP/Postal Code or City. Basra Governorate east of Basra city, which is on the Iraq-Iran border. Possui 19 070 quilômetros quadrados e de acordo com o censo de 2018, havia 2 908 491 habitantes. Why Basra was chosen as a site for the new city remains unclear. [18][b] In the latter year, during the reign of King (Shah) Ismail I (r. 1501–1524), the first Safavid ruler, Basra and the Moshasha became part of the Safavid Empire. Ibu kotanya ialah Basra. The following night, the night time low temperature was 38.8 °C (101.8 °F), which was one of the highest minimum temperatures on any given day, only outshone by Khasab, Oman and Death Valley, California, USA. GPS: 30.47912 N , 47.78802 E. Reference is made to the UNDP published procurement notice for the ITB-032-21 Rehabilitation of -Al This page was last edited on 27 February 2021, at 12:10. 이후 한동안 황폐화해졌다가 근대에 들어 석유를 주력으로 한 산업과 수출을 중심으로 크게 발전하였다. Per the Iraqi constitution, three or more governorates can join to form an autonomous region. 바스라주는 바스라가 한창 번영하던 시기였던 통일 신라에 온 서역인인 처용이 출발한 곳으로도 여겨지는 곳이다. en 2011 es la tercera gobernación más poblada, por detrás de Bagdad y Nínive. Event. Al-Basrah (beter bekend als Basra) is een gouvernement (provincie) in Irak.Al-Basrah telt 1.556.445 inwoners op een oppervlakte van 19.070 km². Other districts of Basra include Al-Qurna, Al-Zubair, Al-Midaina, Shatt Al-Arab, Abu Al-Khaseeb and Al-Faw located on the Persian Gulf. Shafaq News / Two explosions hit Basra Governorate, in the far south of Iraq, according to a security source.The source told Shafaq News agency that an explosive device, planted by unknown persons nea A tell a few kilometers south of the present city, still marks the original site which was a military site. In 680, Yazid I ordered ʿUbaydullah to keep order in Kufa as a reaction to Hussein ibn Ali's popularity as the grandson of the Islamic Prophet Muhammad. Although Zanj slaves from Africa were put to work on these construction projects, most of the labor was done by free men working for wages. Мухафазах Басра (араб. General Anthony Zinni, then commander of US forces in the Persian Gulf, acknowledged that it was possible that "a missile may have been errant." تعد محافظة البصرة ثالث أكبر محافظة بالعراق من حيث عدد السكان (3.8 مليون نسمة حسب إحصاء عام 2011) وسادس أكبر محافظة بالعراق من حيث المساحة ( 19,070 كم2)، من الناحية الاقتصادية تشكل محافظة البصرة ميناء العراق الأوحد، ومنفذهُ البحري الرئيسي إلى الخليج العربي، كما تضم حقول النفط ومنها حقل الرميلة وحقول الشعيبة، وبحكم موقعها إذ تقع في سهول وادي الرافدين الخصبة، فإنها تعتبر من المراكز الرئيسية لزراعة الرز، والشعير، والحنطة، والدخن، كما تشتهر بتربية قطعان الماشية. [30], On 19 September 2005, two undercover British SAS soldiers disguised in Arab civilian clothes and headdresses opened fire on Iraqi police officers after having been stopped at a roadblock, killing at least one. Basra is a port city in Southern Iraq, close to the border with Kuwait and Iran. The Zanj Rebellion by the agricultural slaves of the lowlands affected the area. Ibn Battuta visited Basra in the 14th century, noting it "was renowned throughout the whole world, spacious in area and elegant in its courts, remarkable for its numerous fruit-gardens and its choice fruits, since it is the meeting place of the two seas, the salt and the fresh. Basra Governorate’s Giant Oil Fields — Source: A. Bacci’s Elaboration of a Map by The Oil and Gas Year (TOGY) ... (4,7 million people live in Basra Governorate) living in the few urban centers present in the governorate. Category: Iraq News. You can also look through Umm Qasr, Basra Governorate, Iraq photos to find a house you like, then contact the builder who worked on it. The icon links to further information about a selected division including its population structure (gender, urbanization). Most IDPs from Basra (150 families, 72%) are displaced to urban areas in the governorate. Das Gouvernement grenzt im Süden an Kuwait und im Norden an den Iran, wo der Schatt al-Arab die Grenze bildet. Basra Governorate is … In 1290[15] fighting erupted at the Persian Gulf port of Basra among the Genoese, between the Guelph and the Ghibelline factions. Територія 19 070 км² з населенням на 2011 2 532 000 осіб. Basra is located on the Shatt-Al-Arab waterway, downstream of which is the Persian Gulf. The shortness of the Zand rule rendered this untenable. In 656, Uthman was murdered and Ali was appointed Caliph. The Mamluk Bahri dynasty map (1250–1382) shows Basra as being under their area of control, and the Mongol Dominions map (1300–1405) shows Basra as being under their control. The onshore oil field is estimated to contain up to 38 billion barrels of oil resources including an estimated recoverable reserves of more than 12 billion barrels. [21] Though Basra had submitted to the Ottomans, the Ottoman hold over Basra was tenuous at the time. During the time of the Abbasids, Basra became an intellectual center and home to the elite Basra School of Grammar, the rival and sister school of the Kufa School of Grammar. Iraq. In the summer, Basra Governorate is one of the hottest areas on the planet with temperature regularly exceeding 50 degrees Celsius. Osídlení se soustředí severně a severozápadně od severní hranice Kuvajtu, zatímco západně od Kuvajtu je pustá oblast. They now number around 200,000 in Iraq. But ever since the liberation of ISIS in Iraq many Christians have returned to their Homeland in the Nineveh plains. Basrah Governorate Profile Source map: JAPU Basrah at a Glance Fast Facts Area: 19,070 km 2 Capital City: Basrah Average High Temperatures: 17,7 °C (January) to 41,8 °C (August ) Average Low Temperatures: 6,8 °C (January) to 27,4 °C (July) Population: 2,403,301 Population Distribution Rural … The inhalations of radon 222 Rn progeny are the most important source of irradiation of the human respiratory. Main cities: The widespread revolt was against Saddam Hussein who violently put down the rebellion, with much death and destruction inflicted on Basra. After the two soldiers were arrested, the British Army raided the jail they were being held in to rescue them, killing several people from among their nominal allies – the Iraqi security forces. Nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg wurde das Vilâyet Basra unter den Briten mit den zwei anderen osmanischen Provinzen Vilâyet Bagdad und Vilâyet Mossul zum Britischen Mandat Mesopotamien zusammengelegt. The determination of equilibrium factor of radon and thoron using LR-115 type II detector in a selected area from Basra Governorate, Iraq Nader, A. F. Abstract. From 1595 the Portuguese acted as military protectors of the Basra,[24] and in 1624 the Portuguese assisted Basra Pasha in repelling a Persian invasion. Ubicada en el extremo sur del país, limita al norte con Di Car y Mesena, al este con Irán, al sur con el golfo Pérsico y Kuwait, y al oeste con Mutana. Jeho hlavním městem je Basra. "[17], The Arab Al-Mughamis tribe established control over Basra in the early fifteenth century, however, they quickly fell under influence of the Kara Koyunlu and Ak Koyunlu, successively. Hallaq, Wael. [35] Talking to the BBC, he said that his determination to tackle the militia had led to almost daily assassination attempts.
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